For my Stories course, my class and I were assigned to pick a fictional hero and a non-fiction hero. We are to write a story about the 8 steps of a Hero's Journey and a non-fiction hero. The purpose of this action project analyze the journeys of both characters.
Spiderman is a fictional hero, a superhero who appears in comic books that are published by Marvel Comics. I picked this hero because there was an episode of Ultimate Heroes on Netflix that caught my attention. I started to watch it, and I liked it a lot and chose Spiderman as my fictional hero.
For my non-fictional hero, I picked E.B who I met probably 3 years ago as a volunteer at a program called Inner City Impact (ICI). She became the discipline leader of the high school program on Fridays, which then i started to attend. I got very attached to her, we became very good friends. I chose to interview her because she is like a second mother to me.
Hero's Fictional Journey
Call To Adventure
Spider man is at school one day, when the principal gets kidnapped by four frightful villains. Spider man has to rescue the students and principal and defeat the villains in order to bring back safety.
"spider man off to his adventure" |
Nick Fury is a secret spy who helps heroes improve their skills of responsibility and safety. He helps train Spider Man to fight villains and combat). Fury trains Spider Man to not be messy and to fight quickly against other villains.
'spider man and the frightful villains"
Spiderman gives up after training and thinks that he can be responsible to and train himself to be fast and not messy. The four frightful villains capture Spiderman and Nick Fury’s four trained hero’s.
"Nick Fury telling Spider Man about the training" |
Spiderman and Nick Fury's four heroes all now go to the same school so they can keep an eye on Spider Man since he didn’t know how to properly and quickly fight against of fighting with villains
Spider man fights with the four frightful villains. He fights with the villains because they try to take him to kill him.
Spider man goes to Nick Fury for training and his heroes now go to Spider Man's school to protect him.
Spider man uses Nick Fury's advice which was to give him a chance to be more quick and responsible while fighting as he trains
Spider man now fights villains fast and not messy and responsible.
Hero's Real Journey
The Call
It is hard to say exactly what other people see in me, but from what others have said before, I believe that I am compassionate and really love deeply those who are in my life. I thrive from being available, loyal, and intentionally invested in the people I come to know. I believe that people and relationships are worth working for, which leads me to be quick to forgive and show grace to others. I also feel very strongly about my convictions and faith, which is an area that causes some people to respect me.
I hope so! That is my goal at ICI! We desire to be as available as possible and build real relationships with kids, so that if/when a kid is looking for a mentoring relationship, we are available to fill that role! There are some kids that I spend more time with others, the ones I really connect with, and I would say that a few of them would think of me as their mentor! It was a combination of trial & error, and God opening and closing doors. I went to school for Social Work, and it was during grad school that I realized that as much as I loved social work, that there was more that I wanted to do and God opened a door for me to work at ICI. Even though I wouldn't have expected to be here, I am so glad that I am!
This is my first full-time job since graduating, but this environment is different in a lot of ways. In this environment, I am surrounded by more people through my job that have the same passions and beliefs that I do, which allows me to feel supported and encouraged in the convictions and passions that I have. And Chicago offers way more diversity in people and culture than the areas I lived in before. I love being able to learn from and be stretched from being in community with people from other cultures!
One of the biggest challenges I ever faced was actually moving to Chicago. I had never been to the city, and I moved here without really having any idea what I was getting myself into! It definitely required a step of faith and had lonely moments, but it was worth it!
Through that year of being in a new place and having to make new friends and reestablish myself, I really got to know myself in a new way. I had more moments of being on my own, and not depending on others for my happiness. I also saw that the plans God had for my life were better than what I could pick for myself! And like I said before, being in Chicago has allowed me to learn about other cultures first-hand, and understand my culture better, too.
It has allowed me to be more comfortable doing things on my own and knowing who I am. Which in turn, allows me to be a more sincere friend and truer to myself. It also allowed me to see that taking risks can sometimes be a good thing! Instead of trying to control every aspect of my life, I can trust that all things happen for a reason and be more open to go with the flow! If I had not been willing to take the risk of moving to Chicago and work for ICI, my life would look so different today! I wouldn't trade this season of my life for anything!