
Friday, April 22, 2016


For this action project, urban planning I was assigned with a partner to create a bridge with inspirations of the bridges we had took a look at in our FE. We learned about different shapes and angles. We also learned about Newton's Law of Motion, Law of sines and cosines and vectors. The bridges we looked at were truss bridge, suspension bridge, beam bridge and Arch bridges. What I am most proud of is getting my bridge, sketch and the mathematical portion done on time. The most challenging things was building my bridge and getting the math part together. I am proud of the research I did, in order to understand how bridges are made and also to build the best bridge possible.

My partner and I were inspired by the truss bridge we had observed. When building our bridge we used triangular shapes because we learned in class that triangles are the strongest shapes. As I built my bridge I had some difficulties with gluing the sticks individually onto the bottom cord. The reason why I had some problems was because I didn't make a triangle that overlapped the Popsicle sticks.