
Tuesday, February 25, 2014


Intro: The action Project for this course is to define a doubting question. For this project I had to explain my question by how I feel and ways that happiness is worth pursuing. The Purpose of this action project was to learn the meaning of doubt.The reason why I chose this question was because it was open-ended. Open-ended questions are more better to talk about and discuss. What I learned in this course from this action project was expressing the true feeling towards happiness and if it was possible that happiness can be something worth pursuing. What I am most proud of is having a good open-ended question that I can really talk in to and express the way I really feel about this question. I think that happiness can be worth pursuing, people just don't follow there heart and mind.


My guiding question for this AP3 was “Is happiness worth pursuing?” Happiness is a emotion that plenty of people feel. In most cases their are certain people that don’t feel happiness in there life. It's either they're stuck in one emotion that makes them feel worse or they just want to keep living the way they want to keep living. Yes, happiness is worth pursuing because it affects quality of life. Nobody wants to be in a constant pain and suffering, including loneliness and sadness. My opinion for this is to follow your heart and mind. Change all unhealthy habits and pursue new good habits. Happiness can cover many thing in your life because you can say that while you're in pain and suffering over something. Happiness can cover up and make you say that you are succeeding in life when you are not. When your happy it makes you change into something else it gives you a different feelings that make you have fun, jump up, dance and do plenty of other stuff. Happiness is a great and awesome emotion that keeps you motivated and going. I love to have happiness in me it just makes life a little bit less complicated. Something that I would encourage to some people is to hold on to that happiness and not to change that. Happiness is not something ready made it comes from your own actions you got to feel it in order to have happiness. The purpose of our lives is to be happy no matter what happens. We were not made to be in such deep depression and frustration. Being happy is the key of life where it keeps you going forward on to life. 

Some risk that I think that will  take order to pursue this question would be actually taking action of being happy and having fun. These action would have to be taken by the person who wants happiness. Happiness can be a very huge risk, it can make you do things that you never meant to do. 

Monday, February 24, 2014

Dream Catcher

Intro: This Action Project we had to write down a dream we had and make a dream catcher and  find out what our dream is about and what it means to us and what are nightmares and daydreams. What I learned from this Action Project was to know the meaning/definition of what your dreams are about. The most challenging part of this was to do a dream catcher to symbolize our dream so that way we can hang it at home with the meaning of my friends family or the love I have for their family. What I am proud is make a dream catcher defining the important people in my life mostly likely like symbolizing the things on my dream catcher with colors and feathers.

J.R.The Dream Catcher. 24 Feb. 2014. Chicago

My dream catcher that I created was and is too filter all the negative things and feeling in my dreams. My dream catcher was to represent the dream I had of my friends and I in Hollywood cruising around. It was a hot summer day the breezing wind was blowing on our faces with the sweet smell of flowers.  Blasting to loud music and having so much fun on the road. It was like the best dream that I had because I was with my friends and we were all together having so much laughter and excitement. It was a happy moment and experience for me because I never been to Hollywood especially with friends. It was just a good moment to share with family and friends. On my dream catcher brown is rapped on the hoop and it symbolizes comfort and outdoors, My feathers mean the three friends that were there with me in my dream. Also the beads on my dream catcher

My Carbon Footprint:

So far in Fuel, I worked on two different action projects, one of them was propane and the other was wind energy. Now, the action project I'm working on is a script to take action about reducing my carbon emissions. In my script, I defined the meaning of pollution and explained my usage of food, transportation, and electricity, in addition other things. I learned the amount of carbon emissions I release into the atmosphere. I found out that I produce a lot of pollution, and it is harmful. I also learned many ways I can help the Earth remove carbon gas that I did not know before. What I am most proud of is identifying actions that reduce carbon. I am also proud of writing a tree equation, which helped me write my conclusion, because I learned that I can save a lot of trees by switching from taking a car to walking.
Action Plan

Pollution is a substance that harms the Earth's environment and its inhabitants in many ways. Pollution is created mostly by human actions, through breathing, burning fossil fuels, and waste. It can also be the result of natural disasters, such as volcanic eruptions. Pollution can kill people because of the gases that are released ("Pollution").

I took a quiz to find out my carbon footprint. I release 26.5 tons (24 metric tons) of carbon into the atmosphere ("Footprint Calculator"). My carbon emissions are equal to the greenhouse gases given off by 5 passenger vehicles and the carbon dioxide given off by burning 2,695 gallons of gasoline (“Clean Energy: Greenhouse Gas Equivalencies Calculator"). The quiz asked me to provide details about my waste, transportation, type of housing, and food preferences. I produce a lot of waste, and this waste contributes to the pollution in the air when it decays.

I hope to reduce the amount of waste I produce through my actions, because the more waste I make, the more pollution is given off into the atmosphere. I pledge to...

  • Reduce the amount of animal-products I eat by half. Livestock release methane into the air, which causes global warming. After taking this action, I will release 25 tons of CO2, reducing my carbon footprint by 1.5 tons.
  • Purchase products that use less packaging or are made out of 100% post-consumer recycled content material. By doing so, I produce less waste, and waste decays, giving off CO2. Less waste/more recycling means less CO2! If I take this action, I will release 23.9 tons of CO2, reducing my carbon footprint by 2.6 tons.
  • Travel less miles in a car per week. Cars burn fuel, which releases CO2. Less driving means I will release 21.6 tons of CO2, reducing my carbon footprint by 4.9 tons. (0.7 Planet Earths less)

J.R. The Switch of Transportation. 24 Feb. 2014. Drawing, Chicago. 

In order to remove 26.5 tons of carbon from the atmosphere, I would have to plant 616 trees, and here is the equation that I used to calculate this number:

24 metric tons of carbon dioxide x ( 1 tree / 0.039 metric tons) = 616 trees
In order to convert my carbon, I would have to know that every tree I plant removes 0.039 metric tons of carbon from the atmosphere ("Footprint Calculator").

Originally, it would take 4.8 Planet Earths to provide the resources needed to support my lifestyle if everyone lived like me. By following the three actions I mentioned above, I would reduce my carbon footprint by 1.5 planet Earths. I now emit 17.8 tons CO2 into the atmosphere. This means I have decreased my carbon footprint by 8.7 tons CO2. Originally, I had to plant 616 trees, but now, I only have to plant 414 = 202 trees saved ("Footprint Calculator")!

Works Cited

“Clean Energy: Greenhouse Gas Equivalencies Calculator.” U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. n.d. Web. 20 Feb. 2014.

“Footprint Calculator.” Global Footprint Network. Sept. 2011. Web. 20 Feb. 2014.

“Google’s Carbon Offsets: Collaboration and Due Diligence.” Google, Inc. 2011. Pdf. 17 Feb. 2014.

“How Emissions Reduction Projects Work.” TerraPass. 2014. Web. 17 Feb. 2014.

"Pollution." - Simple English Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia. N.p., n.d. Web. 24 Feb. 2014.

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Time Machine: First Time Taking the Bus

Intro: For this action project 2 I typed a script about a memory that defined me who I am now. This memory allowed me to overcome my fear of taking the bus alone with other people I did not know or talked to. What I am most proud of is overcoming the fear I thought I would never overcome. What I learned was maybe being with a friend or a parent can make you always feel better than being alone on a bus ride to school alone. The most challenging part is still taking bus by myself and able to push out the feeling of being uncomfortable and nervous.

SCHWEN, Daniel. 2008 Cta Bus Line 56; Internet: Wikicommons

A Monday morning, I was heading to my new school, GCE. I got on a crowded bus that smelled like air freshener. That was my first time being alone on the bus with a lot of random people that I did not know. This made me feel awkward and very uncomfortable. I felt pressured by people that were looking at me up and down.It made me feel weird. I can feel their eyes looking at me as I walked through the aisle of the bus to take a seat. Some people were listening to loud music, playing candy crush,reading a book or loudly talking to their friend or partner. On my way to school the only thing that made me feel better was listening to my own loud music. That was the only thing that distracted my feelings of being awkward and uncomfortable. My music also made me forget that people were looking at me.

As I saw my stop at, North/Clybourn I got very excited and very happy. I headed to school and went to classes with people that I still didn’t know that well. I met new friends and teachers that were very kind and very nice. As school was almost ending I felt like calling my parents to come and pick me up, but that would be too much work for my parents. Anyways, I wanted to leave as soon as possible to go home and relax. Because I had a very good day at school. I forgot about how overwhelmed I was going to be on the bus ride home.

I was anxious waiting at the bus stop with other people. As the bus came, I felt a relief but then realized I had to deal with everything over again. There were people looking at me a certain way and there were people that smelled like cigarettes and sweat. There were people that talked to themselves, which was weird and scary. All I wanted to do was to go home safe and sound so I can relax. But then I remembered I still had to take the bus the next day and the day after. My life was still not finished.

Sometimes on my way to school I still feel this way but I just insert my earbuds and jam to music on the bus as if I am in my own world. Now when I see Ventra cards, I think about  the very first day I took the bus by myself. This memory will always stay in my head because I still take the bus and everytime I do, It just reminds me of how uncomfortable I was and nervous to be alone. Taking the bus has allowed me to overcome my fears of being surrounded by people that I don’t know or talk to.

Monday, February 10, 2014

Wind Power

The course that I am taking is fuel and what I learned from this course was how wind turbines function and and what they are used for. The purpose of this Action project was to learn the basic things about wind turbines. What I am most proud of was learning how wind turbines work and what they are used for. The most challenging part was knowing which part of our script was going to be on the video and recording.

Monday, February 3, 2014

Propane Structure

This is my slideshow for a STEM class at GCE High School called Fuel.I chose to study propane and my reason of choosing propane,was because I use propane daily,and as I researched more about propane and how it is used in homes? I decided to research more about propane because it is a liquefied petroleum gas that it's a gas that is used often in the summer with my family and that caught my attention.The most thing that I learned from this Action Project 1 was that is a non-toxic chemical it is not harmful to us humans which at one point I thought it was. What I am proud of is finishing my Action Project 1 was knowing the true facts about propane and how it's used and where it comes from. The most challenging part of this Acton Project 1 was the equation and finding propane's peak.