
Monday, January 18, 2016

Literacy Pieces

For this elective term "Book Bound" I worked on assignments that introduce the history of literacy and what literacy is really about. The assignments I chose were the literary journal which was worked on as a group, we all shared a story and a drawing about a topic we all liked. The storyboard is a website, where you create your own story. I created a story about reading in a school that means reading is important and it's as big as education. The literary poster that I made is to show what a high school report is and the grades of the classes here at GCE, which they're false. The slide show of the book we chose for the canon is explaining what the book is about and what are the great things about it. The most challenging thing was putting everything together. What I am most proud of is completing my assignments and using them for this Action Project.

The Literacy Journal

The literacy journal was created by a group of students which I was in. The purpose of this journal was to give out our opinions and old memories about old TV shows. What I did was choose a lot of my favorite old TV shows that were taken away and describe what I really missed about them and why I want them back. The most challenging thing was creating a poem of one of my old time favorite TV shows that stopped running.

The slideshow canon was to pick a favorite book and describe it. The point of this slideshow was to give the audience to say yes to your book to be put in the library in the new space. The book that I chose was The Absolutely True Diary Of A Part-Time Indian. The reason why I chose this book was because I read it multiple times and because it as a humorous background story to the book. I like that it's relevant to a lot of teenagers and give advice about school and culture. The book is based off of poverty, alcoholism, violence, despair and lightened with lots of humor.

The Literary Poster

The literary poster I made was to show the percentage of reading in each class. The classes represented are GCE classes but not the actual percentages. I chose to do this guiding question because I think that the world struggles with a lot of economical and education problems. "Does reading increase your salary?" It's a question that will be unanswered because there's plenty of different answers that don't add up to why or how. To me I think that it does because without having the ability to read and write will not get you no where, therefore it's harder for the person who is illiterate to do things than a person who s literate and does know how to do things.
JR. (2016). Reading Percentages
The Storyboard

The storyboard that I created was to show the different scenes that happen in real life in school. I think that reading does increase your salary if you put your mind and effort to it. I included the school scenes because it fits perfect with what my topic is about and what I am trying to explain. I chose this topic because it's something that should be brought up in middle school so students can keep in mind that reading is really important for you and your life goals. There's six story board pieces explaining how and what a student goes through and what really is said in class.

Made with Storyboard That

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Soap Dispensers

For the last Action Project, Elective course "Rapid Prototyping" we were assigned to choose a idea and improve the idea for the better. The idea I chose was to make soap dispensers for the bathrooms in the new space. I chose this idea because I thought it would be convenient and also because it will be a good idea to have something different than a regular dollar store soap dispensers for the bathrooms in the new space. The most challenging thing is choosing from the instructables website ideas that will be worth the building for the space and that will be used. What I am proud of is choosing the idea that is simple but very useful and creative.
JR. (2016). Plain Bottle
JR. (2016). Plain Bottle

JR. (2016). GCE Lab School
What I did was take a old bottle and cleaned it up and used the aveeno bottle pumper to add the final touch. I'm glad it fit perfect on the bottle. It doesn't screw on but it does fit tightly onto the bottle. When I opened the bottle with a can opener I used leverage to pop the top off. When I emptied the liquid I also used leverage as I was pouring the liquid onto the sink. I also used torque force on the top pumper to make it tight and to make sure it was secure enough to hold liquid without spilling everywhere, if it did fall. Some safety caution rules I had in mind were to hold tight onto the bottle just in case the bottle fell on the floor and break. Also, look around my surroundings so they wouldn't get injured. What I could've used was goggles and gloves in case the top flew in my face or if i get cut. When I went to Rebuilding exchange the director of the organization said, " Not everything is a waste, everything has a value." I took that into consideration and thought that I can use something that can take super long to decompose and recycle it and make something better off of it. So I took this bottle that probably would've been in a land fill waiting years to decompose when it can be used for decoration or other cool things. I published my work onto the instructables website so others can do the same and branch off my idea. Here's the link
JR. (2016). GCE Lab School

I then used Armour Etch to make a design on the bottle. I wanted the design to look cool and to stand out. So, I used the GCE logo and also etched my nickname on the bottom of the bottle.  The Armour Etch is a chemical that edges designs that you would like to have on glass. I created my own GCE logo on the computer to make a stencil off the cameo machine made out of vinyl to stick onto the glass bottle so the Armour etch wouldn't get anywhere. One of the websites that most inspired me the most was 99 life hacks. I liked the ideas that they had on the websites, they seemed so easy and something that I would probably think of but I never did. I like that they have plenty of things that can be re-used in your own home or in your work place, which is great. I was really inspired by the idea of re-using old things and this is why I chose to do a soap dispenser.