
Monday, May 2, 2016

Sexual Equality In Sports

For this action project, In Policy I was assigned to write a letter discussing about a topic that I am most concerned about and write it to someone that will read this letter and make a change. I decided to choose Gender Equality on sports because I experience a lot of this when I play sports that mainly have only males. What I learned in this unit was about the three branches of government. I am most proud of choosing this topic and being able to express myself the way I want to and being able to let someone know what I think and what should be done and changed. The most challenging thing was researching and finding both sides of the stories.

April 25, 2015
The Honorable Barack Obama
1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW,
Washington, DC 20500

Dear Mr. President:

What is it like to be a female who views herself as both a student and an athlete in the U.S.? Let me tell you, although their are plenty of sports to choose from, depending on the school you attend, there are still a lot of challenges and restrictions.I am asking you to craft a bill that will make all school sports (from elementary through college) on the same level of equity. Although, I do know the disadvantages that it takes upon females and males playing together in a sport. I know that it can be tough and frustrating for some males playing with females because some sports can be very aggressive and violent, in which some males wouldn’t like to hurt or play with a female because the sport is too aggressive.

As I was researching, came up when I asked about “coed sports in high school”. The debate is whether “sports should be co-ed?” Yes or no. 63% voted yes and for 37% for no. This all depends on how females would feel in being a “male” sport, even having the privilege to play and experience. Boy and girls might be more comfortable with playing in the same sport. Boys tend to be afraid of hurting the female in the game. As a female I have experienced a lot of personal issues playing in a all male sports, like American Football. I love football and I like playing it but I have had issues where I got judged because I am a female and because I might just seem weak to them and not good enough.

I understand that this is a hard decision because males would prefer to play with their own gender because it might work best in their opinion. Despite the fact that males would prefer to play with the same gender I still think that Title IX plays a huge part in the United States. Us women have the right to participate and be in all types of activities no matter what gender, age and color you are. Women may get discouraged because on average they perform poorly in comparison with men; and that female sports are different from male sports. It is argued that all of these arguments are flawed. This decision will be up to all the females if they want to join a sport that they know mainly males play and that it might be aggressive.

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