In this course, Rhetoric, I was to choose a topic of what will be to write a speech about what I considered important. I chose to speak about my favorite chips, Flamin' Hot Cheetos being and the need for these tasty snacks to be sold in Puerto Rico. The purpose of this project is to know about your topic, apply rhetorical techniques to your speech, and convince the audience. The most challenging thing about this action project was conducting my research in order to boost my logos, but mainly finding the bad things Flamin' Hot Cheetos do to young kids. On the good side, my research makes me want to change the way I eat sometimes (they're so addictive!). What I am most proud of is producing an action project about my favorite chips and a place I love to be sold in Puerto Rico, which is where my blood comes from. I chose to speak about Flamin' Hot Cheetos because they’re one of the most purchased snacks in Chicago. These (not-so-healthy) chips are very addictive and have a unique taste- different. This is why I would like to have Flamin' Hot Cheetos sold in Puerto Rico, since all the stores sell currently are cheese Cheetos.
Flamin' Hot Cheetos were introduced to the U.S in 1992 being some of the most tastiest, most addictive and mouth-watering chips. Right now, they are the top selling chips in the U.S. These chips are everywhere in the states, which with virtually every teen consuming them multiple times a week. Flamin' Hot Cheetos are my favorite because they're spicy enough without burning up your whole mouth and throat, salty and enjoyable. I had just assumed these chips were sold everywhere in the world, until I went to Puerto Rico.
The first time I went to this beautiful island, Puerto Rico was in 2014 with the mindset of it being pretty similar to parts of Chicago. Puerto Rico is extremely different from the states however, it’s very hot, humid and overly GREEN--nothing like the city. Nobody had told me about hot chips not being sold in Puerto Rico before my first trip there. I naturally, brought a bag on with me to snack on during my flight there, which I ate immediately on that first day being there. I went to the store on the island to restock my chips. Little did I know at the time, but I was looking in vain for Flamin' Hot Cheetos, browsing the snack aisle confident that I was going to be eating some hot chips in Puerto Rico. As, I looked around the snack section all I saw were Lay's, Doritos and other typical Puerto Rican chips. The only flavors they had for Cheetos was cheese. I'm not a big fan. I even asked one of the workers, but she just looked highly confused by my request for the spicy chips. The one thing that I had in my mind all that day was those chips, and them not to exist in Puerto Rico literally broke my heart into tiny little pieces. I desired those chips so much, it made me want to go back home. I stayed in Puerto Rico for a whole month without them, making myself eat other, different chips to kick off the need from my body.
I feel like Flamin' Hot Cheetos should be sold in Puerto Rico because they're the most awesome snacks ever. They're sensationally good and spicy with a hint of salt and very crunchy. They're not so expensive either; they'll be bought quickly and could spread fast around Puerto Rico, depending on the types of taste that people favor. Some might not buy them at first because they’re already used to eating cheese-flavored chips. Flamin' Hot Cheetos might be very spicy but hey, once you eat and taste Hot Cheetos there's no going back. I'm confident, though, because of their delicious taste, these chips will win over the people of Puerto Rico over time. And for those who argue that this snack isn't healthy, my advice is to eat them in moderation. But at least have the chance to enjoy them sometimes!