
Monday, December 16, 2013

No Trespassing

The purpose of this action project was to introduce “No Trespassing”  to my neighborhood because it is done everyday and i want to change that by stopping the violence as one with people outside of my home so that way they know that trespassing is not good and can make people their unsafe in their own homes and work together to stop it because it is a highly risk of getting hurt or even killed.

A way that people that know about this is by..
-Introducing the issue with people outside.
-Sharing a post with online sources.
-Talking to people that would like to help also.

The reason why I chose this issue “Trespassing” was because this was happening in my neighborhood and i thought it should stop because it’s bringing more violence and it think its a huge risk for a lot of people outside and and can make things unsafe or make people think that it’s unsafe to be in your own house. Trespassing because its non-stop being done in my neighborhood and this why I created this flyer to let people know that this is getting out of control and we should make a change and help out our community. The flyer I made was to make people think its important and make this a conversation with family and friends and spread the message so that way people can be aware of what is going on in the city of Chicago.

What I did was I printed out 20 copies of the flyers that I created and I went home I had a friend take pictures of me posting my flyers onto the poles around my street and me passing flyers to people and explaining how it’s bad and how we should make a change in our neighborhood and stop the violence together.

Friday, December 13, 2013

Pot-Bellied Badger

The purpose of this action project is to choose an animal and create a design from the animal you chose.Therefore, I created a collage to show humans the special and cool things we can learn from the honey badger's body. I focus on its skin and stomach to inspire a new design of a stove for humans. I am most proud of my collage because it took me a long time to create. I learned about the animal itself, and will remember most the amazing fact that it can literally eat poison and survive.

JR (2013) Pot-Bellied Badgers. Collage, magazine on paper. GCE Voices Blog: Chicago.

The Animal: Honey Badger

In researching this animal, I learned several interesting facts: honey badgers have very strong claws, little hinged legs, and they hunt together during their breeding season in May. Out of my research, I also found the honey badger has several cool adaptations which humans could learn from and apply to solve design problems.

First, its skin is TOUGH & LOOSE. When a bee stings or when a snake tries to bite the honey badger, its skin protects the animal from serious harm. This means the badger can access unique foods (like honey from a hive) which few other animals - even bigger animals - can.

Second, the honey badger's insides are as tough as its outsides. Its digestive system is STRONG enough to process the venom of snakes and the poison of insects it encounters in its life and eating. The honey badger, after eating venomous snakes (cobras, for example), stays in a coma for 2 hours after eating and then wakes up after venom has been digested. Afterward, its body is like normal.

The Design: Stove
What are the features/parts and the characteristics of traditional potbellied stoves?

The traditional potbellied stove characteristic is the fat man's pot belly which gets it name from "belly". The top of the pot belly stove is used to cook food and heat water.

Some Problems that the potbelly stove has is the top part which can burn someones hand or (etc.anything that touches the top because of no door no edges to keep from burning to keep hands from touching the sides of the potbelly which is hand freely.

What are 1-2 problems with traditional stoves as currently designed (get too hot? dangerous? can they not burn certain materials?)

Why are you interested in redesigning it?

I am interested in redesigning this because I feel that the honey badger is strong enough just as the potbelly stove itself. Also, because the way is built is kind of similar as the honey badger's Digestive system, like the belly it can hold lots and cook very strongly and honey badger's can survive through poison.
How do the toughness and strength of the HB's skin and stomach help us think about better stoves?

Why a stove out of HB? Why not a car? pen?
The reason why i chose a stove was because since the stove is metal and metal is hard and strong to deal with than i chose it to describe the animal i picked out honey badger

The design that I created was a honey badger with a pot belly stove as the stomach because I think a pot belly stove is very strong and tough just as the honey badgers digestive system.

References (In MLA format)
  • Animal research (skin and stomach)...
  • B
  • C

Friday, November 15, 2013

My course that I am taking is "Global Peace" and we have been studying about Swadeshi and I am writing this letter to Rey Colon because I want to make a change in my community.

Alderman Rey Colon
Community Service Office
2710 N. Sawyer Ave.
Chicago, IL 60647

November 14, 2013

Dear Mr.Colon,

Hello my name is Jamilet Rodriguez and I am a student from GCE High School known as “Global Citizenship Experience”. The course that I am taking is “Global Peace” and I am learning about Swadeshi, which means self-place.Through the study of Swadeshi I am learning about local and global economy. My class visited the Andersonville Chamber Of Commerce and we talked about how local businesses affect the community. We also learned about how Andersonville started and about their local businesses.

The visit to Andersonville made me realize about issues in our community, Logan Square. The problem that I am introducing is trespassing and robbery. These problems exist,  I see and hear about them everyday. Which is why there are security cameras on streets, More cops and more security systems in schools and stores. The reason why I am Writing this is because in my neighborhood there are people that have done and have been through situations, where it is necessary to put security cameras on streets and homes.

This issue affects the local economy by increasing prices in their businesses, cost of government money and individuals money. Businesses enhance more their prices because of shoplifting, in order to stay in business they have to double the price to get the right amount of money because of taken products of their store.

Many issues have developed in my neighborhood making it difficult for people to come together as a whole,The reason for that is because there has been high numbers of assault,drugs,robbery and sexual assault. Although, there has been many issues affecting my neighborhood, there is always a solution to these problems. Solutions like hiring more police officers for shifts to watch the neighborhood for violence in the community and putting more surveillance cameras. Educating people about the consequences of their actions. Setting up security systems in their homes can also produce the number of robbery and can reduce the numbers of home robbery. Overall, these solutions are taken into action,the chances are my neighborhood will improve for better not for worse.

If the problem is solved the neighborhood would enhance and be a better place for the community as one.


Jamilet Rodriguez

Friday, November 8, 2013

Doll's Eye

The plant that I chose was "Doll's Eye" plant and what I learned from this plant was that poisonous to humans and harmless to birds. The black stigma that the berries have gives the plant it's common name "Dolls Eyes".

"Doll's Eye Actaea Pachypoda." Medicinal Plants-Doll's Eye. N.p., n.d. Web. 18 Nov. 2013.

The plant that I researched was Doll’s eye plant that is found in Southern Canada to Georgia and west to Minnesota usually found in mixed forests. Doll’s eye plant is poisonous to humans because of its fruit/berry. The berries harm us because of the black stigma that the plant has. This plant gets its Special name from the black stigma that is inside the berry which looks like an eye. Doll's Eyes black stigma turns into berries when its summer which persist on the plant until frost. These berries are harmless to birds, but for humans it can lead to cardiac arrest and death. While doing research I found out that some parts of this plant can be used for many things like headache, PMS, colds, fevers for humans which is interesting because part of the plant is poisonous for us.

Roots are tea brewed which relieves pains like the ones listed above like..

  • PMS
  • Cough
  • Colds
  • Fever
  • Headaches

What I am most proud of is my drawing because it took me time to draw and make it good. My drawing was similar to the picture above. The drawing drew shows facts about this "Doll's Eye" plant.

(2 sources for doll eye plant): Cited)

"Doll's Eye Actaea Pachypoda." Medicinal Plants-Doll's Eye. N.p., n.d. Web. 08 Nov. 2013.

"Doll's Eye." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 07 July 2013. Web. 08 Nov. 2013.

"List of Species | Leafsnap: An Electronic Field Guide." List of Species | Leafsnap: An Electronic Field Guide. N.p., n.d. Web. 08 Nov. 2013.

Thursday, November 7, 2013

I am Harriet Tubman, I am a black women, I wear clothes that are not fashionable, I'm poor but still fought for my freedom. Traveled at night guiding dozens of other slaves to freedom, Early in life i suffered a severe head wound that caused me many disabling seizures and attacks but still managed to move on and lead people to fight for what they wanted. But as i grew older i began to be stronger,

"Harriet Tubman", Wikipedia. 7  November, 2013.

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

World Over Plants (MDG A4-Environmental Poem

                                             JR,(2013). World over plants C2labs portfolio

My  photo represents a flower dying with petals falling off barely growing with the sun shining bright with windy clouds.

Reflection:  This action project for MDG & You asked me to explain my visual drawing that I drew and write a poem explaining about the environmental issues about my drawing of a plant getting extinct in Africa called Fynbos. The purpose of this poem was to save plants and keep them safe and expressing the feelings I have for this. I am proud of  myself for doing a creative drawing that fits with my poem and my target for MDG & you.  I learned that there is plenty of flowers&plants that are endangered in Africa.

  Plants are beautiful,

                                                     they keep me alive.
                                                    They're so incredible

                                                        but why extinct?

                                                     seeds in the grown

                                                      spreading all over.

                                                        Oh! these plants
                                                          how they grow
                                                               so fast.
                                                       I don’t want plants

                                                  dying when they release
                                                    my oxygen I breathe in

                                                         everyday to live

                                                         but why extinct?

  1., (1999-2013). Web, ''Endangered flowers'' Demand media, Inc.
  2., n.p  Fynbos 15 August 2013
  3. www.Botany.comFynbos  (2013). Web, Gavin W. Maneveldt.


Friday, September 27, 2013

Water Reflection: (Action Project)- Italy V.S. Me

My daily water usage was compared to Italy's daily water usage. My daily water usage was 97 gallons in total on...
  • Showering
  • Outdoor using
  • Teeth brushing
  • Face washing
  • Dish-washing
  • Washing clothes
This shows the amount of gallons that I used each day which adds up to 97 gallons. This would take me a whole day because ill be carrying the water instead of using transportation to feel how Africa suffers everyday to get water and don't have transportation. Another reason why it will take me a whole day is because its 2 trips back and forth getting water from 4 miles to another 4 miles again.

This influenced my awareness of how to conserve water and be more less useful because we have a bigger amount of water than Africa does. Now that I know this, it makes me use less water to be equal and not feel greedy. The more water I use the more time I spend carrying water for the day. Ill do things wisely like clothes re-wear them again less laundry to wash, Turn off the water while brushing my face and teeth. This way I could maintain my usage of water that I use daily.

I want to conserve water because i think it would be good to help the environment and help other country's with water issue's. Also this can be a solution for people in other country's suffering from water because they don't have the sufficient water for the family to spare around or to used. By this i think i would help myself conserve lots of water to save and be proud of myself for not wasting a lot of water in the world.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

H2O Water rough draft


My daily water usage is 97 gallons and I estimated it to liters to get my percentage. I want to compare my daily water usage with Italy's daily water usage to know which country uses more water each day. I found out that Italy uses 99.59 gallons of 377 liters and I use 97 gallons of 366 liters. My daily water usage and Italy's water usage is similar to the same amount. I converted Italy's liters to get the total liters to gallons to see how I can compare my amount with Italy's daily water usage to see if it similar or different.

Call it Action

The action that Italy has is by providing goods and healthy foods. How Italy uses this is by gallons that they use daily. I think that Italy is a really big water user for all those goods they grow to sell and eat. Italy's water is kinda refreshing from what I have seen on a website where it specifically supports that Its fresher than mexico and because its tap water and usually tap water is not filtered right. Tap water can probably get you sick within 3 days or so. Comparing my daily water usage with Italy's water usage is similar because of each others gallons per day. At the time almost a billion don't have access to cleaning, studies and safe drinking  have shown that in there daily water usage they use over about 380 liters of water each day. The most amount of water they use is for making food, such as Pizza,pasta Ect... and even clothes that they wear

My research is about Italy's daily water usage, Italy is the top five biggest average users of water. Italy uses well over 300 liters of water. Italy's water is usually used to produce goods and stay healthy with supplying fresh fruits and vegetables. A liter of water is 30 or 50 euro in a 6 pack bottle water in a supermarket in Italy. Most tap water is Safe/not safe and can be listed in the non potable chart. Italy uses lots of water for many reasons its used for supplying goods and selling fresh fruits and vegetables. Also keeping the community healthy and with less sickness. Its also used for consuming the services and inhabitants  of that nation.

H2O Water rough draft


My daily water usage is 97 gallons and I estimated it to liters to get my percentage. I want to compare my daily water usage with Italy's daily water usage to know which country uses more water each day. I found out that Italy uses 99.59 gallons of 377 liters and I use 97 gallons of 366 liters. My daily water usage and Italy's water usage is similar to the same amount. I converted Italy's liters to get the total liters to gallons to see how I can compare my amount with Italy's daily water usage to see if it similar or different.

Call it Action

The action that Italy has is by providing goods and healthy foods. How Italy uses this is by gallons that they use daily. I think that Italy is a really big water user for all those goods they grow to sell and eat. Italy's water is kinda refreshing from what I have seen on a website where it specifically supports that Its fresher than mexico and because its tap water and usually tap water is not filtered right. Tap water can probably get you sick within 3 days or so. Comparing my daily water usage with Italy's water usage is similar because of each others gallons per day. At the time almost a billion don't have access to cleaning, studies and safe drinking  have shown that in there daily water usage they use over about 380 liters of water each day. The most amount of water they use is for making food, such as Pizza,pasta Ect... and even clothes that they wear

My research is about Italy's daily water usage, Italy is the top five biggest average users of water. Italy uses well over 300 liters of water. Italy's water is usually used to produce goods and stay healthy with supplying fresh fruits and vegetables. A liter of water is 30 or 50 euro in a 6 pack bottle water in a supermarket in Italy. Most tap water is Safe/not safe and can be listed in the non potable chart. Italy uses lots of water for many reasons its used for supplying goods and selling fresh fruits and vegetables. Also keeping the community healthy and with less sickness. Its also used for consuming the services and inhabitants  of that nation.